There’s a LOT in Theis world I don’t understand, BUT,

at the top is ‘How could any woman be a Republican?
The old white man party who claim power over a woman’s one body. Telling her what and what she can and can’t do WITH HER OWN BODY.

The party who nominated and supports the Pussy Grabber, the Russian-backed Pathological LIAR.
The NYC conman who declares bankruptcy like others go on vacation, and cheats on contractors/partners like he does on ALL his wives, while they are pregnant and are having his baby’

WTF is WRONG with you?

Oh yeah, you’re a FOXSheep Republican, so NOTHING else counts.
I hope some day your children, grandchildren and so on, say ‘WTF was/is wrong with you?
Again, if I gotta explain, you don’t have clue.....


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