As the market continues it’s slide downward, I saw an interesting segment on CNBC, the Financial Channel, about negotiations between the US and ‘Jina’, as Dotard calls them.

Basically, the problem is that the Liar in Chief, and his henchmen have ZERO Credibility, and the Chinese have learned what we already know.
You can’t believe a word out of Fat Donny’s mouth, AND, they beleive he’s not gonna be around for another term, SO, they are just gonna ‘wait him out’, which is bad news for world trade, where the incompetent jerk(R) has already cost TRILLIONS in world trade.
The bad news?
We’re stuck with the LYING pice of crap for the two years it will take to vote him out or impeach his fat, guilty ass, BUT, stay tuned, as it seems we are gonna find out more about his taxes and financial records. The stuff that he REALLY doesn’t want us to see.
Ever wonder WHY?
Sorta like WHY the Russians wanted him as US prez?

As we find out more, even the ‘head up their ass crowd’ is gonna see why 2/3 of the US and nearly ALL of the world HATES the LIAR in Chief.


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