Wow, a Repub with morals....that tells the truth????

Yup, Don McGahn is one of a kind. After Fat Donny ordered him, TWICE, to fire Robert Mueller, McGahn QUIT rather obey Dotard’s illegal orders.

Then, the Liar in Chief’s henchmen told him to DENY what he’d been ordered to do’, which is but ONE of the MANY instances of ‘Obstruction of Justice’ from the Orange Clown in the White House.
Only ONE of TEN ‘obstruction’ Charges that Mueller detailed in his report.
Yup, THAT report, that Dotard’s pet monkey won’t let us, or even Dem Congress members to see, let alone report on, while the Pubs ignore subpoenas and common decency.
And the LYING clowns say, ‘Case Closed’.
Mr McGahn basically told them to ‘F**k Off, and refused to ‘catapult their LIES, which FOX would shovel to the sheep, AS IF they mind that the NYC conman is a LYING criminal.

They already KNOW it and just don’t give a shit.

Nothing new here......


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