Just saw some Memorial Day stuff, with The Dick in the background, and thought, ‘What kind of IDIOT could look at that a-hole with anything but contempt?

Oh yeah, the FOXSheep, clueless and gullible to the point of idiocy.
Yup, he led us into Iraq, and Saddam’s WMD’s, and emptied our Treasury while lining the pockets of his Halliburton friends and Big Oil buddies.
And filled the VA hospitals along the way.
If you can’t see this, and aren’t outraged, you are so HOPELESS, with your head SO DEEP up your ass, swallowing FOXCrap, there is no hope for you, like ALL of Fat Donny’s sheep.
Never mind, if I gotta explain, you would NEVER understand.
Screw Dotard, and all you gullible sheep.


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