Does ANYONE, even the ‘head up their ass’ FOXSheep deny that Putin and the Russians wanted Dotard as prez?

That is beyond question.
SOO, rightwingnuts, you ever wonder WHY?
Maybe so he can do shit like sanctioning Iran, (then starting a war), so Russia makes even MORE BILLIONS for on their oil, and he ‘changes the subject’ concerning his criminal behavior.
Something I heard from SO MANY Europeans who all said, ‘How the hell did it happen’, as per Dotard the prez.
I tried to explain FOXLies and gullible ‘church goers’. They mostly understood.....
Sorta like GW and The Dick did with the bullshit war against Iraq? ‘Oops, no WMD’s?
We are used to Pubs being ‘in the pocket’ of Big Oil, but Russian Big Oil”
Loosen your sphincters, FOXSheep, and take a peek at reality, as Putin’s pick for prez has hiked the price of oil by AT LEAST 25%, which we all pay, lining the pockets of Big Oil, and esp RUSSIAN Big Oil, with his ‘sanctions’ against a country that ‘followed the rules’, BUT was a competitor with Russian and Saudi Arabian (Fat Donny’s FIRST Executive visit) oil.
Even a FOXNews dumbass oughta be able to ‘figure it out’.

BTW, Dotard’s taxes were ‘outed’ by the NYT by looking at the ‘Biggest Losers’ in ALL tax returns, open under  Freedom of Information, and back-tracked to Fat Donny, the Biggest Loser, over a BILLION $.
One perfect example of HOW Fat Donny got so rich is his Taj Mahal casinos, (an automatic money maker), where he siphoned off over a HUNDRED MILLION dollars, didn’t pay his financiers, taxes or contractors, then claimed bankruptcy.
And he did shit like this DOZENS of times, with dozens of businesses, like Trump Univ, a YUUUGE scam, as he admittedly, Grabbed ‘em by the Pussy, whenever he could.
Sounds like a criminal conman to MOST, but, ‘he’s one of us’ to the ‘Christians’, who swallowed his LIES, and believe they’ll ‘walk streets of gold’, while those like me, ‘burn in the Lake of Fire, for eternity’.
This is his BASE, who VOTES, straight Repub.

Again, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand......


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