Can you imagine if Hillary was prez, with the Russians help, and the Dems were dodging subpoenas, and the ‘official report’?

The Pubs would say, ‘those dirty bastards, BUT, cuz it’s them, it’s ‘we’re so smart’...
If the Dems had robbed the Pubs of a Supreme Court nomination, like MCTurtleface did, it would be, ‘those dirty bastards, but now it’s ‘we’re SO smart’.
If the Dems had Gerrymandered all the crucial districts like the Pubs have, it would be, ‘those dirty bastards, BUT, as the Pub districts are ‘voter proof’, it’s again, ‘Oh, we’re SO smart’.
If the Dems had a prez with three million people voting against him/her, it would be, ‘those dirty bastards, BUT, when they do it, ‘Good for us..’
If the dems had stolen the ‘church vote’, with a bunch of LIES to the sheep, they’d scream, BUT the jerks(R) are FINE with the anti-Christ in the White House. 

Same old shit from the HYPOCRITES who hide behind the law,  no morals and the ‘Christians’ who’ve been led down the garden path, by Karl Rove’s plan to ‘sucker in’ the largest voting bloc in the country, as they vote for a Russian-backed, LYING, NYC criminal conman, who’s made the US a pariah with all our ‘former’ allies, who hate his LYING guts, and ask all of us tourists, How the Hell did it happen? And I try to explain FOXNews and the church sheep.....
Then those Europeans say, ‘Just a matter of time til the Repub gets the world in another war, probably with Iran.’
Ya wonder why they’d ask, after GW and The Dick started the last Repub war, based on LIES?
What you wanna bet, they are SO RIGHT, as the Repub War Machine is unleashed for Dotard to ‘change the subject’?


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