When the Liar in Chief is at his own course, with his own caddy and making his own rules (cheating!), he’s a GREAT golfer. Just ask him, or wait for him to tell you.

BUT, when there are REAL rules and a camera on him he sucks.
Just like at Pro-Ams, where he REALLY sucks and at Pebble Beach, where he is ‘0 for Forever’.
Same old shit. If you listen to HIM, or his State TV from Bullshit Mountain, he’s GREAT.
BUT, in real life, he SUCKS.
Does it bother anyone else that we have a Russian-backed, cheating, incompetent LIAR in charge?
And BTW, I don’t need to hear from the ‘head up their ass’ FOXSheep, who don’t have a clue.

Purdy: Recounting Trump’s Pebble Beach 

track record (hint: not good)

In seven tries at the amateur division of the AT&T event, the future president failed to make the cut


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