Does anyone else notice? How Dotard and his henchmen are banging the drums of war, and taking us closer to another Repub WAR, which is EXACTLY what so many Europeans we spoke with were afraid of.

Yup, Dotard’s gonna need a distraction as more info on his dealings with Russia, including YUUUGE loans, obstruction charges, income tax worries and the various investigations of his criminal conduct come to fruition.
What better distraction, and way for the military to play with their billion dollar toys, PLUS having the added bonus of another war in the Oil Basket of the world which makes Pub oil here in the US go WAY up, AND, it’s the perfect ploy for Russian oil, their only commodity, to double (or more) as their flunky in the US does Putin’s bidding.
Look out Iran, you’re the perfect scapegoat and target for the criminal in the White House to attack, for SO MANY reasons.
Just a matter of time......
Screw Fat Donny and gullible, clueless, ignorant sheep he rode in on.


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