Dotard and his henchmen are following the same ‘track to war’ that the Pubs love to use, in part for the massive profits shoveled to their war machine contractors and the YUUUE price increases in oil. Russia also stands to gain BILLIONS OF RUBLES if/when Fat Donny completes his plans for a war with Iran.

His buddies the Saudis, remember his FIRST presidential trip, where he held the eerie glowing globe with his robed buddies, (the MidEast on Fire?), also stand to gain billions in higher oil prices that ‘Guess Who’ will pay, along with his tariffs and subsidies for farmers?
It’ll screw up the entire world economy, (as he is already doing), even worse.
Guess why ALL the Europeans we spoke with HATED the Orange Clown?
SOOO, as the Saudis help set the stage for another Repub War, BASED ON LIES, (remember the WMD’s?) they are reporting ‘sabotage’ on oil tankers, though no one can see any damage.

Yup, just a matter of time until someone fires the first shot in the Persian Gulf and we find ourselves in another Pub War, which will keep our VA hospitals FULL, just like their other wars.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you...

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES» Saudi Arabia said Monday that two of its oil tankers were sabotaged off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in attacks that caused “significant damage” to the vessels — one of them as it was en route to pick up Saudi oil to take to the U.S. The Saudis are blaming Iran or their counterparts.


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