Dotard took a break from watching FOX ‘News’ last night to Tweet out to Sean Hannity, congratulating him a a ‘Great Show’.

What made the show so GREAT?

Maybe it was because Sean-Baby attacked Mueller, the life-long Republican, appointed by a Republican, for telling the truth about his two-year long investigation into Dotard, the Russian backed ‘Obstructor’ of Justice, that Mueller wasn’t allowed to prosecute, but would, because Fat Donny ‘Obstructed Justice’ at least ten times, according to Muller(R) and his report.
The country wouldn’t know the details, of course, cuz Slick Willie Barr, Fat Donny’s pet monkey, won’t release the parts of the report that detail the collusion and obstruction and ‘who knows what else’.
But, according to the Liar in Chief’s FAVORITE ‘news’ guy, the legal X-Spurt, Robert Mueller is incompetent and full of crap

"Number one: Robert Mueller doesn't know the law, he's basically full of crap," said Hannity of Mueller.

And you wonder WHY Dotard LOVES the FOXClown, who lives up his ass?


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